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Request a Quote

Kindly fill the first section. All other sections are optional depending on the service you require.

    Your Name

    Your Email address

    Phone Number



    How many floors do you occupy?

    Total square meter of the building?

    How many toilets in the building?

    Total number of staff?

    Do you have partitioned offices within the floor and what type of furniture?

    Do you use Rugs in any of the offices?

    Do you have facade on your walls?

    Is the building owned or leased?

    What is the average monthly amount spent on cleaning consumables?

    What is the size of the car pack?

    Pest Control/Fumigation

    How often do you carry-out pest control and do you require any certification?


    Are there green areas?

    Is there a resident gardener?

    Waste Management

    How often is the waste disposed?

    How many waste bins (drum) do you have?


    How many light bulbs per floor?

    How many DB (Distribution board) do you have?

    What kind of bulbs do you use? (eg. LED bulbs

    Do you have security cameras and what type?

    What is the size of the Diesel tank in use and how many?

    Do you have smoke detectors?

    Do you have toilet extractor fan in the building?

    Are there window-mounted extractor fans?

    Are there heat detectors?

    Number of external lights in the building and type?

    Is there a transformer for the building and what is the capacity?


    Total number of fire extinguishers?

    Is there FM 200 panel installed?

    Are there fire alarms present?


    Total number of AC units and what is the capacity?

    Type of AC units present?


    Do you have overhead water tanks?

    What is the capacity of the tank(s)?

    How many water pump and what is the capacity?

    Do you have wells or boreholes panels installed?

    Water Treatment

    Do you have a water treatment plant installed?

    Are there underground irritation tanks?

    Counting machines

    What are the total number of counting machines in the building?

    Sewage system

    What is the size of the sewage tank and how often is it being evacuated?


    Is there a Lift/Elevator in the building? If yes, how many and what is the capacity? of each?


    How often do you paint/re-paint?